The Power of Essential Oils
Why doTERRA?
I’m often asked why I choose to partner with doTERRA to get oils into homes and my answer is always the same, but not always a short one! Let me try and explain…
With the increased prevalence of antibiotic resistance and the incredible chronic health burden on the medical system, there is suddenly more of a demand for natural health solutions and for a new way to approach health.
Instead of looking for medications to merely control symptoms of chronic disease, there is a move towards preventative medicine, and also towards treating the underlying cause of underlying inflammation (the common cause of most chronic disease) and work with the body’s amazing ability to heal itself.
Simply put, essential oils are the way of the future.
doTERRA is at the forefront of this intuitive, preventative health movement and has the ability to change the way health care is delivered.
I feel privileged to be a part of this movement towards natural health and honoured to be able to empower people with natural solutions. As a wellness advocate, I do not diagnose, prescribe or treat any diseases ~ I would never claim I could ‘cure’ anything, but I do open a doorway to another way.
They really do work
1. They’re Effective
Do Essential Oils actually work? In short, yes they do. Essential oils are active at the cellular level of our bodies.
Better said, essential oils affect the biochemistry of our cells. Essential oils are lipid soluble, which means they can penetrate the cell and strengthen the entire cellular system, because the interior of the cell is a lipid, or an oil-loving environment. If you enjoy nerding out on the science like me, and want a longer answer to WHY they work, you’ll love looking more into the efficacy of oil here: aromatic science
Not all oils are created equally.
Purity Matters
Did you know that 80% of the essential oils on the market today are adulterated? This means they're wither heavily diluted, synthetically manufactured, contaminated with additives, preservatives and even heavy metals!
We MUST demand purity if we want therapeutic results!
My advice? When choosing an essential oil to purchase, be sure you can see the testing GCMS testing result on the oils to ensure 100% purity. If the company doesn't make these available to the public......RED FLAG.
You can enter any batch number on the bottom of your doTERRA oil bottle into a website called www.sourcetoyou.com and you can see with your own eyes what is in that bottle, confirming 100% purity. This means safety for you and your children.
Essential Oils are sourced ethically
2. They’re Ethical
DoTERRA do not compromise on their sourcing methods. DoTERRA want to ensure their oils are the purest available, and so they go to the original native environment where the plant grows (instead of growing it in a synthetic environment) and harvest the plant in the right climate for that plant, the optimal soil conditions for that plant, at the right time, using traditional methods, ensuring a superior oil.
DoTERRA source oils from 40 different countries, 26 of which are developing nations. They are fiercely passionate about ensuring every person in the sourcing chain is being benefitted. DoTERRA are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of the small scale farmers, harvesters and distillers. They seek to develop long-term partnerships with communities, and create sustainable jobs and reliable income for families. This awesome video shows you more:
You make an impact every time you shop
3. They’re Giving
Giving back to others is very important to me, which is why I feel so comfortable aligning myself with this company.
DoTERRA not only improves the lives of those involved with oil production but also the lives of many others through their charitable organisation called The Healing Hands Foundation (THHF).
This Foundation is involved with projects including building and sponsoring existing medical clinics, installing drinking water and irrigation systems, and building schools. They also partner with other organisations doing awesome work such as Friends with Dignity and their vital work helping people impacted by domestic and family violence and Hagar in Vietnam, who's mission is to help end human trafficking.
Initiatives THHF is involved in
Anti-human Trafficking
Clean water & Sanitation
Storm relief
Global Health
Supporting Children
Empowering Women
They also partner with Days for Girls - an organisation started to educate and provide menstrual care to girls.
They are dedicated to shattering stigma and limitations for woman in Africa, India and Brazil. They work to provide every girl in the world the education, safety, and dignity that they deserve through direct distribution of sustainable feminine hygiene kits.
So that’s why. That’s why doTERRA
Those are merely some of the amazing things that the money we spend on oils goes to support. I feel so good knowing my money is not only helping people through their sourcing initiatives, but also through their ethos of giving.
I feel so proud to be a part of this movement. A movement of empowerment. A movement equipping people with power over their health.
- Nicky Skinner