Welcome to my corner of the web
nurse gone natural
Holistic health & wellness coach
I am a Registered Nurse and qualified accredited Nutrition, Health and Lifestyle Coach, mama of two and a fierce advocate for holistic, preventative, natural health. Here’s a few things you need to know about me…
Free Thinker
I’m not afraid to question information in front on me. If only to prove it right! That’s where the nickname ‘nurse gone natural’ comes from! After completing a mainstream nursing degree the whole ethos of reactive health just didn’t sit right with me! I started questioning if there was another way of supporting our bodies to heal naturally without the side effects and I’m so glad I did!
Intuitive Eater
I’ve read and seen enough to know categorically that a diet-based approach to health does. not. work. That does NOT mean I don’t advocate for wholesome, delicious food! I believe eating is easiest, healthiest and best for you when you do it intuitively and crowd out your plate with beautiful nourishing plant foods for gut health, immune function and longevity. Having delectable, healthy recipes to compliment that is your ticket to success!
Holistic Health Radical
If you haven’t already worked out - I’m unashamedly radical about helping people experience a nourished and vibrant life! That means tapping in to all the goodness that mother nature has to offer.
I’ll say it now and I’ll say it a million times again…that most definitely includes Essential Oils in terms of healing plants as natural medicine!
My personal health journey
My passion, like many in this industry, was born out of my own health struggles. Since my early twenties I’ve been interested in health and exercise, however early on, I took it to the extreme (as many young girls do) and outwardly may have looked a picture of health, however inwardly, my restrictive ‘healthy’ eating habits and over exercise, stressed my body and depleted my beautiful female hormones.
I was constantly cold, irritable, wasn’t menstruating, was preoccupied with food and going to the gym and not much fun to be around!
Why holistic health?
It was only after meeting my now husband and having him give me a well overdue wake-up call, that I gained a balanced view of what it means to be healthy. I started to nourish my body with foods that healed and made it thrive (instead of just survive and look good by magazine standards). I started to move less but in a way that made me feel vibrant and full of energy, not fatigued and injury prone. I started to prioritise self-care practices to manage stress (for me this was daily journalling and devotionals, nature and quality time with girlfriends). My journey so far (and it’s an ongoing one!) inspired my passion for helping others reach their own individual view of being nourished and vibrant, without the restriction and deprivation.
I discovered Essential Oils
Then came the true health transformation
I now lead a vibrant community of like-minded women from around the globe, all on a journey (we're all at different stages!) to be the healers in their homes.
We’re becoming less reliant on the traditional medical model and teaching a new generation of children to trust their body’s ability to heal, and to learn to choose better products to use IN and ON their bodies.
I was introduced along the way to DoTERRA essential oils, and now am completely convinced that they are the perfect adjunct for any healthy lifestyle. I adore having natural solutions to reach for, for all common health issues from headaches, digestive discomfort and pain, to hormones, emotional support and boosting immunity. I also love using them for replacing personal care products and cleaning products in the home and radically reducing the toxic body burden these chemicals create.
My Philosophy
An active lifestyle that unlocks energy, being active every day and doing movement that you love
Never using exercise as punishment for something you ate
Importance of stress relief techniques and finding, then prioritising self-care practices to manage stress
Prioritising sleep, rest and restorative practices
The importance of spending time in nature and sunshine
Nurturing your important relationships and learning how to play again; Lowering our environmental chemical burden is key to a body that functions well!
A no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to health and nutrition
A ’real food’ approach to nutrition
Food as medicine and nourishing from within
Non-weight based focus to health
Eating with awareness, knowing what we are eating, why we are eating it, where it comes from and more importantly how it will make you feel
Simplicity over superfoods!
Food as nourishment, not punishment or reward
Good health starts in the kitchen! Getting back to eating food in it’s minimally processed, less refined state.
What we put in our bodies directly impacts our minds, bodies and overall well-being.
Food has the power to nourish, heal and energise our bodies
It’s not what we eat some of the time that makes us healthy, it’s what we eat 80 percent of the time - food is for enjoyment as well as nourishment!